The total and the proportions did not vary greatly till the Crimean ...
The total and the proportions did not vary greatly till the Crimean War. But by 1860 the cost of defence was £126,000,000, the balance for civil purposes £125,000,000. These figures, which point to the emergence of the armed administrative State, show also with what a slight equipment early Victorian government operated.
Local revenue was about a quarter of Imperial, and on an average one-half went in the relief of the poor.
The rest was spent on Police, Bridges, and Highways; on Lunatics ; on the upkeep of Parish Churches. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
Croker was of this class, so was 'gray-headed, financial' Herries; and the ...
Croker was of this class, so was 'gray-headed, financial' Herries; and the Whigs of 1827 could not master their wrath when they were asked to accept as a Cabinet colle
But the dismissal of the Under-Secretaries with their chiefs in 1830, the ...
But the dismissal of the Under-Secretaries with their chiefs in 1830, the inexperience of the new Whig Ministers, and the reform of the Poor