Two years later, the chairman, who bore 'the inauspicious name of' Swindlehurst, ...
Two years later, the chairman, who bore 'the inauspicious name of' Swindlehurst, after a life of good works, went to prison for embezzling its funds. Victoria was no fool.
Might one add the Public Entertainments Act, which legalized matinee concerts? The day-return ticket from the outer suburbs, the tea-shop, and the visit to the Grosvenor Gallery, count for something in the greater liveliness of Late Victorian England.
All through 1875 the Conservatives were engaged carrying their social and industrial legislation through the House,
no difficult task with a
leaderless opposition: and they crowned a successful year with the purchase of the Suez Canal Shares.' Meanwhile, a tithe revolt, not very unalike the agrarian agitation in Ireland, had broken out in Bosnia. The powers addressed a homily to the Porte: the homily was followed by a memorandum: the Sultan was deposed by his Prime Minister, the memorandum withdrawn, and the homily ignored.By the summer of 1876, Serbia, Montenegro, and the province of Bulgaria were all involved, and rumours began to circulate that in Bulgaria the conduct of the Turk had been such as even his old protectress could hardly condone. might be interested in >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
He published Homeric Synchronisms in 1876 and was engaged on Retribution (the ...
He published Homeric Synchronisms in 1876 and was engaged on Retribution (the theme of the Bamtown Lectures for 1875). It is plea
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