As individuals, the High Churchmen worked as manfully as any: Ralph Hook ...
As individuals, the High Churchmen worked as manfully as any: Ralph Hook in Leeds created a new standard of duty for every parish priest who has come after him / her. But as a school, they shook off with well-bred impatience the humanitarian professions which had become associated with the Evangelical creed, and few Tractarian names will be found connected with the reforms which are the glory of the Early Victorian Age.
This rather was to be the sphere of action of the third school.
In the forties we are aware of a new type issuing from the Universities and public schools, somewhat arrogant and somewhat shy, very conscious of their standing as gentlemen but very conscious of their duties, too, men in tweeds who smoke in the streets, disciples of Maurice, willing hearers of Carlyle, passionate for drains and co-operative societies, disposed to bring everything in the state of England to the test of Isaiah and Thucydides, and to find the source of all its defects in what, with youthful violence, they would call the disgusting vice of shop keeping.
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Virtual Victorians History Website
These are the Arnoldians. In the meantime the Oxford Movement had gone ...
These are the Arnoldians.
In the meantime the Oxford Movement had gone into liquidation.
Through the thirties it advanced, in the face of authority, with irresi
In this sense, at least, the Tract was received and condemned by ...
In this sense, at least, the Tract was received and condemned by the Heads of Houses, and the Tractarians stigmatized as Romanists without the courage of
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