Some of the evolutionist parts of In Memoriam are actually older than ...
Some of the evolutionist parts of In Memoriam are actually older than Vestiges. Tennyson really understood the workings of the new scientific mind, as of the upper class political mind.
He was the natural laureate of an age morally conservative and intellectually progressive.
Party zeal has claimed Newman's Essay on Development as a forerunner.
But have the partisans read Milman's rejoinder? Or the Essay on Development perhaps? Deeply influenced by Arnold in his boyhood, he had stayed long enough in Oxford to feel all the exhaustion and disillusionment which succeeded the excitement of the Tractarian movement. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
In the Church was no satisfaction. He had lost, as most educated ...
In the Church was no satisfaction. He had lost, as most educated men were losing, his hold on what had been the middle strand of all Christian creeds, faith in the divine pe
The Tractarians by pointing to the Church, the Arnoldian school by their ...
The Tractarians by pointing to the Church, the Arnoldian school by their vivid realization of history, had relieved the intense introversion of Evangelical
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