But the great industries were manned with families, often much better off ...
But the great industries were manned with families, often much better off than the neighboring curate or school-master, and not burdened by the middle class necessity of keeping up a position.
This right wing, hopeful, comfortable, within sight of the franchise, the Respectable Poor, the Conservative working man, drew away.
Crime, poverty, and drunkenness, which had reached their peak
about 1842, were dropping year
by year. ...next: >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
The maypole had gone: the village feast and the club-walk were going; ...
The maypole had gone: the village feast and the club-walk were going; but the zoo, the panorama, the free-library, the baths, and the excursion ticket were bringing hundreds
The storm which swept away half the Governments of Europe passed harmlessly ...
The storm which swept away half the Governments of Europe passed harmlessly over the islands, and the words which Macaulay wrote at th
The figure that made its way into the hearts of the middle ...
The figure that made its way into the hearts of the middle classes was not the happy, self-willed little Whig of 1837, but the young matro