However far the Benthamite disciple went, he would find the old sage ...
However far the Benthamite disciple went, he would find the old sage had been there before him / her; every trail was The admiration of Bacon, almost amounting to a rediscovery, is very characteristic of the period. So is the Utilitarian preference for the more scholastic, less imaginative Hobbes.
When his editor, Molesworth, stood for Southwark the populace paraded the streets shouting NO as London blazed, every pitfall marked, and in every path stood a lion, the Sinister Interest of Privilege.
Between rulers and ruled there exists an inherent antagonism, which can only be resolved if rulers and ruled are identified by means of universal suffrage and the ballot-box, and the identity is preserved by publicity and a cheap press.' The sovereignty thus created is to be exercised through a carefully balanced system of Parliament to legislate, central organs to direct, local organs to execute. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
On the question of Women's Suffrage, the Utilitarians were somewhat inconsistently divided; ...
On the question of Women's Suffrage, the Utilitarians were somewhat inconsistently divided; Bentham, a flirtatious old bachelor
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