But Nature has not left her children without all hope of escaping ...
But Nature has not left her children without all hope of escaping the fate to which her mathematics seem to have consigned them.
By industry, and abstinence, the employer may enlarge the market for his goods; by industry, and continence, the workman may increase the purchasing power, and limit the numbers, of his class: progress, like salvation, is the reward of virtue; of diligence and self-education ; of providence and self-control; and all the evolutionary speculation of the next age has for back-ground Malthus's Stoic vision of that remote, austere, divinity 'whose purpose is ever to bring a mind out of the clod'. In the early thirties the Philosophic Radicals were a portent, men whose meetings were watched, the spearhead of a revolution beginning with the ballot and going on, Heaven knew how far, to compulsory education and a federated Empire.
Then, frigid and scholastic, as a party they fade from the view. The popular Radicals, hotter against Church and Lords, and readier champions of the unprivileged and the oppressed, made more noise; the people preferred the Tories.
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Virtual Victorians History Website
But it would be hard to find any corner of our public ...
But it would be hard to find any corner of our public life where the spirit of Bentham is not working to-day. It is dangerous to force historic movements into exagg
In practical capacity Chadwick was the greatest, in the character of his ...
In practical capacity Chadwick was the greatest, in the character of his mind, in the machine-like simplicity of his ideas and the inexhaustible fertility of his applications, the mos