IN the great peace of the fifties the lines of force released ...
IN the great peace of the fifties the lines of force released in the earlier decades, lines best remembered by the names of Arnold, Newman, and Carlyle, come round into pattern.
It is about this time that the word 'Victorian” was coined to register a new self-consciousness.
'Liverpool below, Oxford on top,' was said of Mr Gladstone, and it might be said more generally of the English intelligence of the fifties. Work shapes the mind, leisure colors it; the grim discipline of the years of peril was relaxed: life was richer, easier, and friendlier. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
To turn from the stark, forbidding dogmas of Jesse Mill on Government ...
To turn from the stark, forbidding dogmas of Jesse Mill on Government to the humorous wisdom of Bagehot's English Constitution, with its large allowances for the idleness, s
In 1831 Brougham had defined The People as 'the middle classes, the ...
In 1831 Brougham had defined The People as 'the middle classes, the wealth and intelligence of the country, the glory of the British na
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