Cheap labour meant high profits; respectable workpeople meant good work.' It could ...
Cheap labour meant high profits; respectable workpeople meant good work.' It could not last.
It was impossible to maintain forever the position that Christian responsibility was a
duty everywhere except in
economic life, and that strength and vigour, the control of nature by science, of events by prudence, are good things everywhere except in the hands of the State: not less impossible to suppose that the criticism which was unravelling the constitution of the rocks and the legends of antiquity, would always consent to stand in respectful submission before the conventions, or the documents, of contemporary Protestantism.So long as the fear of subversion persisted, criticism could not act with freedom: clerisy' and bourgeoisie stood together, and, where they differed, the clerisy, on the whole, preserved a loyal silence.
Indeed, in State affairs they did not differ greatly. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
In the eighteenth century the mill often furnished the mill owner’s harem: ...
In the eighteenth century the mill often furnished the mill owner’s harem: in our period rarely. I cannot resist the conclusion that the current religion did somet
The sense of being under a Code accompanies us through the early ...
The sense of being under a Code accompanies us through the early Victorian decades. To the age of revolt, which runs from Rousseau to Shelley, succeeds the age of acquiescence; the Tit