In the eighteenth century the mill often furnished the mill owner’s harem: ...
In the eighteenth century the mill often furnished the mill owner’s harem: in our period rarely. I cannot resist the conclusion that the current religion did sometimes act as a provocative to sadism.
A ghastly story came out in the Courts of a private tutor who prayed with a backward pupil, beat him / her to a jelly, kissed him / her, and left him / her to die.
The connection between religious professions and fraudulent dealing started many criminals on the downward path-or so they assured the prison chaplains. But, again, this is an old story.
In Areopagitica the City Man and his Religion almost twists a smile from Milton. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
The sense of being under a Code accompanies us through the early ...
The sense of being under a Code accompanies us through the early Victorian decades. To the age of revolt, which runs from Rousseau to Shelley, succeeds the age of acquiescenc
A guilty conscience has never betrayed itself by a more superior sniff. ...
A guilty conscience has never betrayed itself by a more superior sniff. Absurdity and impropriety, like domesticated dragons, guard the stability of society and t
Twice the European mind had been carried to the verge, and twice ...
Twice the European mind had been carried to the verge, and twice it had been baffled.
The three phases are conveniently marked by Miss Martinean's Illustrations of Political Econ