One episode is the return of a delegation, clad in chiton, from ...
One episode is the return of a delegation, clad in chiton, from Bavaria, where, if I remember right, they have been showing their German brethren how to lay a plug hole.
Off work, the men could only lounge and drink; the girls learnt neither to cook nor to sew. Lying outside the orbit of the old ruling class, neglected by their natural leaders, the industrial territories were growing up as best they might, untrained, unpoliced, ungoverned, and unschooled.
the physical separation was
not so complete that the world beyond the pale could be ignored, and the Evangelical ascesis was imposed on a generation to which the spectacle of bodily existence was at once obtrusive and abhorrent. us a better way >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
But not only were the middle classes drawing apart from the poor, ...
But not only were the middle classes drawing apart from the poor, each stratum, in a steady competition, was drawing away from the stratum next below, accentuating
'The English', Treitschke once told a class at Berlin, 'think Soap is ...
'The English', Treitschke once told a class at Berlin, 'think Soap is Civilization.' Neatness is the outward sign of a conscious Respectability, and Respectability is the name of that c