But the urban problem could not be solved by marching the unemployed ...
But the urban problem could not be solved by marching the unemployed in and out of the workhouse as times were bad or good.
That rural England was over-populated, the slow increase, in some counties a decline, through the years of prosperity proved. Industrial England was neither over-populated nor under-populated, but periodically over- and under-employed.
Unemployment was beyond the scope of any ideas which Early Victorian reformers had at their command, largely because they had no word for it.' Their language and their minds were dominated by the Malthusian conception of over-population. Sanitation and education were within their reach.
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But these are remedies which need time to do their work, and ...
these are remedies which
need time to do their work, and in the interim the catastrophe might have happened.A fermentation unknown to an earlier England
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