An announcement of such immeasurable importance, and to the larger portion of ...
An announcement of such immeasurable importance, and to the larger portion of the community so unspeakably gratifying almost precludes the possibility of comment.
No pen can keep pace with the reflections which must spontaneously crowd upon every thoughtful and sensitive mind.
They who have long desired this change, and have long traced its manifold bearings on the welfare and happiness of the world, will in one moment we the realization of that fair prospect, and will hardly endure to be informed of what they already behold. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
The approaching event, therefore, which we this day communicate to our users, ...
The approaching event, therefore, which we this day communicate
to our users, must
be left to speak for itself. From The Times, 4 December 1845: The reforming impuls
They kept Ireland quiet, but their pacts with O'Connell seemed to English ...
They kept Ireland quiet, but their pacts with O'Connell seemed to English opinion a disgraceful subservience to a rebel. They accepted Penny Postage, but on a fallin
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