The approaching event, therefore, which we this day communicate to our users, ...
The approaching event, therefore, which we this day communicate
to our users, must
be left to speak for itself. From The Times, 4 December 1845: The reforming impulse of the Whigs was exhausted with the passing of the Municipal Reform Act of 1835. The reorganization of the Judicature which Brougham ought to have effected in 1833 was left for Selborne in 18 7 3. Graham, their best administrator, Stanley their best debater, left them.Lord Grey gave up; Lord Melbourne lounged along. The
genial Althorp, who kept the Commons in good
temper, was taken from them to the Lords.Harried by the Irish, baited by the Radicals, blocked by the Peers, divided among themselves, equally unable to pass their Bills or balance their budgets, the Whigs sank in
public esteem and dragged Parliament with them.
Their one admitted success did them as much harm as their numerous failures. might be interested in >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
They kept Ireland quiet, but their pacts with O'Connell seemed to English ...
They kept Ireland quiet, but their pacts with O'Connell seemed to English opinion a disgraceful subservience to a rebel. They accepted Penny Postage, but on a falling revenue
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