The commonest malpractice was impersonation. In one borough ejection in 1838, out ...
The commonest malpractice was impersonation. In one borough ejection in 1838, out of 310 Totes given, 109 were challenged on that ground.
He was required to convey Prince Albert's amazement at the thought of Cobden in the Cabinet.
The Tories had learnt by experience to adopt capacity from whatever quarter it appeared: they admitted Peel, the son of a cotton-spinner; Canning, whose mother was an actress; and Huskisson, whose origin, if possibly more respectable, was even more obscure.
The Whigs in exile had drawn closer together and farther from the main stream of English life; they came from the eighteenth century, where privilege was taken for granted, and they brought the eighteenth century with them; and one result of the Reform was to give England, growing more and more resentful of privilege, the most aristocratic Government that anyone could remember, and to set the Lords almost in equipoise with the Commons. And all the while, with a suspicious, but obedient, party behind him-xo in '32, 250 in '34, 300 in '37-Peel was biding his time. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
With the return of the Conservatives in 1841 and the impending grapple ...
With the return of
the Conservatives in 1841 and the impending grapple of Land and Industry, Parliament recovered its standing as the debating-place of public issues, andHistory of the Victorians. Victorian Britain - The British Association for Victorian Studies and Godolphin Chambers | All rights reserved © 2013 | better search engine optimisation by VC | Learn about Economics