But an election might easily cost a candidate £15,000. The just influence ...
But an election might easily cost a candidate £15,000. The just influence of landed property was preserved, and the old humanity of the South was still politically ascendant over the new industry of the North.
The Whigs had introduced a self-adjusting device into the constitution, but it worked slowly. So late as 1845 three notes of exclamation were mysteries.
The procedural history of Parliament is a struggle between an old principle (freedom of debate) and
a new one (to make
a programme and get through it). In the thirties, freedom, exercised through (a) a multitude of formal stages, (b) irrelevant amendments on going into Committee or adjourning, was in the ascendant. The public, intensely interested in Parliament, was in consequence often baffled to know what Parliament was doing or why.Bringing voters to the poll (abolished in 1828) was the main item.
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Virtual Victorians History Website
With the return of the Conservatives in 1841 and the impending grapple ...
With the return of
the Conservatives in 1841 and the impending grapple of Land and Industry, Parliament recovered its standing as the debating-place of public iHistory of the Victorians. Victorian Britain - The British Association for Victorian Studies and Godolphin Chambers | All rights reserved © 2013 | better search engine optimisation by VC | Learn about Economics