The towers of the Abbey were just visible behind. After the fire ...
The towers of the Abbey were just visible behind. After the fire of 1834 the Commons found room in the old House of Lords, the Peers sat in the Painted Chamber, while the palace of Barry and Pugin was rising to overshadow both Abbey and Hall: the Lords entered their new house in 1847: the Commons
in 1852. Business commonly began
at four, mornings being kept for Committees, with questions, few, but often involving voluminous reply, and followed by some desultory conversation, and the presentation of petitions.These opportunities for demagogic eloquence, which at one time threatened to overwhelm the House, were cautiously restricted, and finally abolished in 1843. Two nights were reserved for Government business.
Lord John Russell tried to get a third and was refused. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
The eloquence which could master such an audience was of a new ...
The eloquence which could master such an audience was of a new kind.
The great rhetorical tradition which begins with Halifax and runs through Pitt to Canni
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