Out of 15,000 persons visited, not one in ten was fully employed. ...
Out of 15,000 persons visited, not one in ten was fully employed.
Wages had fallen from a pound and more to 75. 6d.; the average weekly income was less than is.
6d. Manchester and Bolton were in like case: the Potteries, the Black Country, the cloth towns of the west, all told the same tale.
It was the background of
Chartism and the Free Trade League.
The Chartists wished to make a revolution: the Leaguers asserted that the revolution had happened, and drew out the consequences. ...you might like to read >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
Lancashire, the home of the movement, was the most typical product of ...
Lancashire, the home of the movement, was the most typical product of the new civilization, and it ne
'You are a Chartist, Sir; you are a leveller,' the Home Secretary ...
'You are a Chartist, Sir; you are a leveller,' the Home Secretary shouted at the respectable Mr Ashworth, manufacturer, when he came on a Free Trade deputation.
Lord John Manners let the cat out of the bag when he ...
Lord John Manners let the cat out of the bag when he talked, apropos of a Factory Bill, of' putting a curb on the manufacturing interest and making it know its rider'. The political cre