How far the mass of the workpeople were at any time seriously ...
How far the mass of the workpeople were at any time seriously engaged is a question not easy to answer.
The Londoners, who were most closely allied with the Parliamentary Radicals, stood for caution and constitutional methods.
The admixture of cheap Irish labour and cheap Irish rhetoric alienated the Englishman, and the party of physical force were unlucky in their choice of military advisers.
In no age are Count Chopski and Colonel Macerone names to conjure with in English working circles. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
The Convention summoned to London withdrew to the less frigid air of ...
The Convention summoned to London withdrew to the less frigid air of Birmingham: it was known that Lancashire was arming; regiments were recalled from Irelan
But in estimating the’ alarm we must allow for the melodramatic streak ...
But in estimating the’ alarm we must allow for the melodramatic streak in the early Victorian temperament. When Wellington said on the morrow of the riots that no t
Lord John Russell, accounting to the Queen for the progress of the ...
Lord John Russell, accounting to the Queen for the progress of the Tories at the elections of 1838, added that the Military had in all cases conducted themselves with great temper and j