Lancashire, the home of the movement, was the most typical product of ...
Lancashire, the home of the movement, was the most typical product of the new civilization, and it needed little arguement to prove that Lancashire could not live without imported cotton, could not maintain her increasing population without expanding markets, could not expand her markets unless the foreigner was kept in funds by the sale of food to England.
Did the workshop of the world need a hobby farm, with a subsidized gentry to manage it, especially a gentry which was beginning to show an inconvenient interest in factory children, and the tendency of the fourteen hour day 'minuere et contrahere pelvem' The League was founded in January 1839. For the first years of its existence it was fighting
on two fronts, against
the Protectionists and against the Chartists.Free Trade lecturers ran the double risk whenever they stood up in a market-place of being fined by the magistrate and ducked by the mob.
To hungry men the prospect of relief by Free Trade was more remote than the prospect of relief by direct action, and it was as easy to represent the League as a coalition of mill-owners bent on reducing their wages note, as a coalition of democrats bent on destroying the landed interest. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
'You are a Chartist, Sir; you are a leveller,' the Home Secretary ...
'You are a Chartist, Sir; you are a leveller,' the Home Secretary shouted at the respectable Mr Ashworth, manufacturer, when he came on a Free Trade deputation.
The se
Lord John Manners let the cat out of the bag when he ...
Lord John Manners let the cat out of the bag when he talked, apropos of a Factory Bill, of' putting a curb on the manufacturing interest and making it know its rider
'You tell us', a Parliamentary Committee once said to a clergyman, 'that ...
'You tell us', a Parliamentary Committee once said to a clergyman, 'that the railway navvies are mostly infidels.
Would you say that they are also so