
"We had always been convinced that Victorianism was a myth, engendered by the long life of the sovereign and of her most illustrious subjects. We were constantly being told that the Victorians did this, or the Victorians thought that, while my own difficulty was to find anything on which they agreed: any assumption which was not at some time or other fiercely challenged. 'Victorian History'.

But close on the advertisement disorders, which followed the financial crisis Of ...

But close on the advertisement disorders, which followed the financial crisis Of 18 5 7, had come a long succession of strikes, to make it clear that whether Trade Unions were good or evil they had become a

power in industry which must either be

put under the ban, or brought within the scope, of ascertained law.

In 1875, Parliament recognized in its entirety the freedom of contract and the right of collective bargaining.

The publisherof this wise and timely measure of pacification, which in our social history may rank with Fielden's Act of 1847, was a typical product of Early Victorian training. Of comfortable Lancashire stock: a Rugbeian of Arnold's time and a Trinity man; churchman, magistrate, and banker; Cross represents that combination of old sagacity and new intelligence which marks the blending of the traditional and authoritative element in public life with the exploratory and scientific.

In history he does not rank as a great man: on the crowded canvas of Victorian politics he is barely an eminent man. might be interested in >>


Yet it might fairly be questioned whether any measures ever placed on ...

Yet it might fairly be questioned whether any measures ever placed on the Statute website have done more for the real contentment of the people than the Employers and Workmen

Between 1831 and 1861 the population of the borough had almost doubled, ...