
"We had always been convinced that Victorianism was a myth, engendered by the long life of the sovereign and of her most illustrious subjects. We were constantly being told that the Victorians did this, or the Victorians thought that, while my own difficulty was to find anything on which they agreed: any assumption which was not at some time or other fiercely challenged. 'Victorian History'.

But it was simpler then to say Mass in Masquerade and have ...

But it was simpler then to say Mass in Masquerade and have done with it.

And it is better now to remember that this distracted Establishment was still the home of men not inferior in life or learning to the greatest names in its history, of Westcott, and Lightfoot, and Dean Church.

THERE are moments when an English student of nineteenth-century history must wish that birth had given him / her for his central topic something less vast and incoherent than the growth of England from the compact, self-centered organism of 1830 to the loose and world embracing fabric of 1900. Not that the growth of the Empire is itself inexplicable or even intricate, because the orderly process of expansion and devolution was a natural function of geographical position and inherited self-government.

But from about 1870 onwards we feel that the inner development of the race and its institutions is constantly interrupted, confused, and deflected, by urgent and exciting messages from its sensitive periphery, from the outposts and the seaways: messages which we must postpone for a while. us a better way >>


Soon enough they will become insistently loud. In 1867 a statutory commission ...

Soon enough they will become insistently loud. In 1867 a statutory commission sitting at Sheffield, long notorious as a disturbed area, elicited the fact that the Secretary of

Less reluctantly than ignorantly, Parliament had in 1825 conceded a modified recognition ...


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