But since then a combined movement, romantic, antiquarian, doctrinal, had transformed the ...
But since then a combined movement, romantic, antiquarian, doctrinal, had transformed the worship which he found so dreary.
In religion, as in poetry and art, the appeal of the Middle Ages was irresistible: and the whole tendency of the Tractarian movement was to exalt the priestly character, and to isolate the Eucharist as the chief act of worship.
The law was obscure: the opinion and practice of the clergy were divided. But on the whole the laity were suspicious even of such modest and venerable symbols as altar lights and the mixed chalice: the attitude of the minister at the Communion Table might import doctrinal views of the deepest significance: and the younger clergy, going far beyond the practice or intention of the old Tractarians, were now bringing into the Anglican service vestments and gestures, which, as they had no ground in any living tradition, could only be interpreted as an accommodation to a foreign, and still suspect church.
Indeed, set forth in the downright English of aggrieved Protestants, some of the new rites, such as rubbing black powder on the faces of people, sprinkling the candles with water, and giving the acolyte a decanter to hold, do not commend themselves as either seemly or sensible. To prepare the way for legislation a Royal Commission was issued in 1867. There were twenty-four minority reports.
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Virtual Victorians History Website
The Public Worship Regulation Act was passed in 1874. There were scenes: ...
The Public Worship Regulation Act was passed in 1874. There were scenes: there were scandals: a few obstinate ministers retired to jail from which they were quickly, and with
But it was simpler then to say Mass in Masquerade and have ...
But it was simpler then to say Mass in Masquerade and have done with it.
And it is better now to remember that this distracted Establishment was still the h
Soon enough they will become insistently loud. In 1867 a statutory commission ...
Soon enough they will become insistently loud. In 1867 a statutory commission sitting at Sheffield, long notorious as a disturbed area, elicited the fact that the Secretary of the Saw-g