But the virulence of party conflicts is abating in a humorous, sporting ...
But the virulence of party conflicts is abating in a humorous, sporting tussle, where Palmerston keeps the ring against all comers, while Gladstone's budgets swing majestically down the tideway of an unexampled prosperity.
In twelve years our trade was doubled, and the returns, indeed, of those years are a part of English literature because they furnished footnotes to Macaulay's third section.
In four years from 1853 the profits of agriculture increased by a fifth.
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Virtual Victorians History Website
The whole debt left by the Russian war was less than one-half ...
The whole debt left by the Russian war was less than one-half of a year's revenue and the revenue no more than a third, perhaps not more than a fifth, of the annual savings o
Separation implies the possibility at least of conflict. That it was avoided, ...
Separation implies the possibility at least of conflict. That it was avoided, that, for all the hostility of the Radicals to the Peers, neither reform nor abolition of the
If all other grounds were absent, the obstinate survival of aristocracy in ...
If all other grounds were absent, the obstinate survival of aristocracy in Victorian England is capable of economic explanation.