The English Court struck a mean between the pietism of Berlin and ...
The English Court struck a mean between the pietism of Berlin and the bourgeois decorum of Louis-Philippe. The King of Prussia and Elizabeth Fry once knelt together in prayer in the Women's Ward at Newgate.
After repealing the Corn Laws, Sir Billy was defeated by a combination between his late allies, the Whigs, and his own rebels, the Protectionists.
Lord John Russell came in, with Palmerston at the Foreign Office, Disraeli leading the Opposition.
In 1850 Peel died, the only English statesman for whose death the poor have cried in the streets, and it soon appeared whose hand had kept the 'Whigs in power. In 1851 they were defeated; Stanley tried to form a Tory Government, failed, and the Whigs came back. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
He succeeded, and went to war with Russia. Went is hardly the ...
He succeeded, and went to war with Russia. Went is hardly the word.
But the mismanagement of the opening campaign in '54 broke up the Cabinet, and with uni
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