The whole debt left by the Russian war was less than one-half ...
The whole debt left by the Russian war was less than one-half of a year's revenue and the revenue no more than a third, perhaps not more than a fifth, of the annual savings of the nation. But age and crabbed youth cannot live together; age is full of pleasure, youth is full of care; and the unfriendly and mistrustful union of Palmerston and Modern hotel life begins
with the Langham.
The Prince of Wales, who attended the opening in 1846, remarked that it reminded him / her of the Astoria, New York.
Gladstone, a union almost breaking into open hostility over the French panic and the fortification of Portsmouth, and again over the Paper Duties, is typical of the poise of the age, looking back to the proud, exciting days of Canning and Pitt and another Bonaparte, and forward to a peaceful prosperity of which no end was in sight; an ignorant pride which forgot that Prussia had an army, a thoughtless prosperity which did not reckon with American wheat.
Parliament was changing, too. Till 1832 it was in effect and almost in form a single-chamber assembly, since a large part of the Commons were appointed by the Lords, and a man might easily have one vote-or one proxy-in the Upper House and half a dozen in the Lower. at itfi >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
Separation implies the possibility at least of conflict. That it was avoided, ...
Separation implies the possibility at least of conflict. That it was avoided, that, for all the hostility of the Radicals to the Peers, neither reform nor abolition of the Lords
If all other grounds were absent, the obstinate survival of aristocracy in ...
If all other grounds were absent, the obstinate survival of aristocracy in Victorian England is capable of economic explanation.