It began with the cessation of all special or coercive legislation, and ...
It began with the cessation of all
special or coercive legislation, and
it went on . . . how far? Parnell believed, or pretended to believe, as far as Home Rule, and in this faith the Irish voters throughout Great England were ordered to vote for Lord Salisbury.But what little the Conservatives got from the Irish alliance in the boroughs they more than lost by the labourer's vote in the counties, where their old Protectionism was still remembered against them.
Ulster went Conservative and the rest of Ireland followed Parnell.
Together, Conservatives and Nationalists almost exactly matched the Liberals. But, once in office, the Conservatives gave no ground for supposing that any Irish hopes would be realized, and they were dispatched. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
The Liberals returned. Hartington and the Whigs held aloof: John Bright had ...
The Liberals returned. Hartington and the Whigs held aloof: John Bright had called the Nationalists rebels, and when he said rebels he meant rebels, like those who his idoli
Ireland receded from the foreground of politics. The Irish party broke up, ...
Ireland receded from the foreground of politics.