Ireland receded from the foreground of politics. The Irish party broke up, ...
Ireland receded from the foreground of politics.
The Irish party broke up, but the issue of reconquest or separation remained. 'It will timber along,' Melbourne used to assure his agitated young mistress.
But how much longer Parliament could timber along if it was not relieved of some part of its burden, had by 1880, if not earlier, become a matter of serious consideration. Its efficiency depended very largely on mutual forbearance and the recognition of certain unwritten rules; and when, in 1877, Parnell kept the Commons sitting for twenty-six hours on a Bill in which he was not in the least interested, the House as a body was quick to scent danger.
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Virtual Victorians History Website
But how to guard against it was a puzzle to which no ...
But how to guard against it was a puzzle to which no obvious answer was forthcoming. Four years later, on the introduction of Forster's Coercion Bill-the fifty-eighth, someon
Shorter and less frequent speeches were recommended rather than tried. More relief ...
Shorter and less frequent speeches were recommended rather than tried. More relief was promised by the creation of two Standing Committees, on Law and Trade.
Those who knew their precedents were not slow to remark that the ...
Those who knew their precedents were not slow to remark that the Irish had learnt their tactics from the phalanx of Tory Colonels in 1870, bent on opposing the ab