The landlord was left with the right of eviction,' in a country ...
The landlord was left with the right of eviction,' in a country where there is not enough land to go round. From the evictions after the Famine came the Migration, which gave the Irish a place of arms in America, and out of the evictions of the late seventies came the Land League, Home Rule, and in the far distance Civil War.
The phases of a controversy which hung over public,and infected private, life for so many years, a controversy in which the two fixed elements are the steely resolution of Parnell and the serpentine persistence of Gladstone, can be briefly enumerated. The Land Act of 1881 recognized the Three Fs: Fair Rents, Fixity of Tenure, Free Sale.
Parnell set out to test its efficacy, and was sent to Kilmainham Gaol. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
Six months later Parnell was released and Lord Frederick Cavendish murdered. Spencer, ...
Six months later Parnell was released and Lord Frederick Cavendish murdered. Spencer, with a new Coercion Act, went to Dublin to s