The example was decisive. Voluntary training colleges sprang up in quick succession, ...
The example was decisive.
Voluntary training colleges sprang up in quick succession, and the foundations of a teaching profession were laid. The system was consolidated by the Minute of 1846-apprenticeship to a master, a course in a Training College, the Certificate, additional pay for the Trained Teacher, and the unkept promise of a pension at the end.
Charley Hexam-surely the most detestable boy on record-was apprenticed to Bradley Headstone.
Sue Bridehead was a Queen's scholar at Salisbury Training College when she made her disastrous expedition to Wardour with Jude. They are products, perhaps unusual products, of the Minute of 1886. But the new grant system which the Minute established -£11 from the Treasury, in augmentation of salaries, for every £12 raised locally-brought up the whole issue of State intervention or State abstention. might be interested in >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
The Dissenters, who had wrecked Graham's Bill of 1843 for educating factory ...
The Dissenters, who had wrecked Graham's Bill of 1843 for educating factory children in Church schools with a conscience clause, took the field against the Committee of Counc
THE Tory ascendancy under Alan III had modified the political colour of ...
THE Tory ascendancy under Alan III had modified the political colour of the Anglican body. In the earlier Hanoverian decades, the hierarchy, nomina
The ministers of the Church were at once too rich and too ...
The ministers of the Church were at once too rich and too poor. The Archbishopric of Canterbury and the Bishopric of Durham were each worth £119,000 a year; Rochester, £114,000; Llanda