The Unitarians were, on the whole, the most intellectual of the dissenting ...
The Unitarians were, on the whole, the most intellectual of the dissenting bodies: they went to the theatre.
The Independents represented traditional middle-class Puritanism: the more fervent, and more rhetorical, Baptists struck lower in society, among the tradesmen in small streets. With them and with the dissident Wesleyans we approach that brand of unattached Nonconformity with which Dickens was so familiar, and which is represented for us by Mr Stiggins and Mr Chadband.' The 4,000 Quaker families were a body, almost a race, apart.
But between them all there was, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, a state of stable equilibrium which the political advance of the middle classes, the Oxford Movement, and the growth of the Wesleyans destroyed.
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Virtual Victorians History Website
As it left the hands of its founder, the Wesleyan body was ...
As it left the hands of its founder, the Wesleyan body was a society, autonomous in government and independent in action, but essentially supplementary to the Established Ch
The activity of the Wesleyans radiated through the older denominations and was ...
The activity of the Wesleyans radiated through the older denominations and was not without effect on the Church itself.
By 1840 it was supposed that they nu
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