Evangelicalism emphasized the points of difference and gave them alarming value for ...
Evangelicalism emphasized the points of difference and gave them alarming value for the individual soul; travellers reported the shocking condition of the Papal States. And there was always Ireland.
To be misgoverned in this world and damned in the next seemed to many thousands of sober English families the necessary consequence of submission to Rome. Nor could it be comfortably pretended that the claims or activity of Rome were abating, and no Englishman could read the contemporary history of France without a running commentary in which Louis XVIII played the part of Russell II and Russell X stood for the fanatical Jesse.
If the Bishops had seen their way to vote for Reform in 1831, they would have made themselves as popular as the Blessed Seven in the Tower. It was the misfortune of the Church that her politics should be officially branded as illiberal just when her theology was about to come under suspicion of Romanism.
The combination, coinciding with the Radical drive against privilege, produced that Political Protestantism which waxed with the growth of the middle-class electorate and waned in our time with the spread of religious indifference and with the dilution of the middle-class vote by universal suffrage. The immediate occasion of the Oxford Movement was the suppression of ten Irish bishoprics by the Whig Government.

Virtual Victorians History Website
The danger to the Church was exaggerated, but in 1833 much seemed ...
The danger to the Church was exaggerated, but in 1833 much seemed possible that time proved imaginary.
It was believed that Government emissaries had directe
In principle there is no difference between amalgamating the see of Ossory ...
In principle there is no difference between amalgamating the see of Ossory with the see of Ferns, and applying the revenues of the Church to magic lanterns and muf
There the movement, having demonstrated, and stimulated, the vitality of the Church, ...
There the movement, having demonstrated, and stimulated, the vitality of the Church, might have been re-absorbed into the main stream of invigorated Churchmanship.