There the movement, having demonstrated, and stimulated, the vitality of the Church, ...
There the movement, having demonstrated, and stimulated, the vitality of the Church, might have been re-absorbed into the main stream of invigorated Churchmanship.
But feelings had been too deeply stirred. In any case, it was inevitable that in a generation which had been enchanted by Kyle and bemused by Coleridge,' the corporate and sacramental aspect of the Church should re-emerge, and that religion would have to find a place for feelings of beauty, antiquity, and mystery, which the ruling theology had dismissed or ignored as worldly or unprofitable or profane.
Now, too, the question had been raised, on what foundation could the Church of England, disendowed and disestablished, take her stand, and it had to be answered even though the danger had passed. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
Hitherto, Churchmen had taken their Church for granted as the mode of ...
Hitherto, Churchmen had taken their Church for granted as the mode of Protestantism established by law.
The Oxford Movement created an Anglican self-consciousness, parallel
There is much history implicit in that encounter, and by 1890 Coleridge ...
There is much history implicit in that encounter, and by 1890
Coleridge had won.
The Oxford divines took little note of Nonconformity.Their object w
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