The danger to the Church was exaggerated, but in 1833 much seemed ...
The danger to the Church was exaggerated, but in 1833 much seemed possible that time proved imaginary.
It was believed that Government emissaries had directed the attack on the Bishop of Bristol's palace in 1831. It was known that Jesse Mill, an official man in the confidence of the ruling powers, had prepared a plan for the conversion of the Church into a Benthamite institution of public utility. Sunday services, without, of course, any form of prayer or worship, were to be pre-served: the parish would attend, in its best clothes, to hear a lecture on botany or economics and receive prizes for virtuous behaviour.
The day of rest and gladness would end with dances expressive of the social and fraternal emotions, but avoiding any approach to lasciviousness, and an agape at which, naturally, only soft drinks would be served. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
In principle there is no difference between amalgamating the see of Ossory ...
In principle there is no difference between amalgamating the see of Ossory with the see of Ferns, and applying the revenues of the Church to magic lanterns and muffins. In t
There the movement, having demonstrated, and stimulated, the vitality of the Church, ...
There the movement, having demonstrated, and stimulated, the vitality of the Church, might have been re-absorbed into the main stream of invigorated Churchman
Hitherto, Churchmen had taken their Church for granted as the mode of ...
Hitherto, Churchmen had taken their Church for granted as the mode of Protestantism established by law.
The Oxford Movement created an Anglican self-consciousness, parallel to the se