In principle there is no difference between amalgamating the see of Ossory ...
In principle there is no difference between amalgamating the see of Ossory with the see of Ferns, and applying the revenues of the Church to magic lanterns and muffins. In their alarm, certain divines, their imagination outstripping the practical difficulties in the way (and, in fact, the Whig Government
having rearranged the revenues of the Irish Church
split on the question what to do with the surplus) decided to act before it was too late.Seven thousand clergy assured the Archbishop of their attachment to the Church: a lay address, signed by 230,000 heads of families, followed.
Eminent Nonconformists allowed it to be known that they could countenance no aggression against the Establishment, which was still the national bulwark against infidelity; and the storm blew over.
In the peace that followed, the rulers of the Church showed that they had taken their lesson.' The vexatious question of tithes was equitably settled by the Commutation Act of 1836. Pluralities were regulated, the grosser inequalities of church livings levelled out. might be interested in >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
There the movement, having demonstrated, and stimulated, the vitality of the Church, ...
There the movement, having demonstrated, and stimulated, the vitality of the Church, might have been re-absorbed into the main stream of invigorated Churchmanship.
Hitherto, Churchmen had taken their Church for granted as the mode of ...
Hitherto, Churchmen had taken their Church for granted as the mode of Protestantism established by law.
The Oxford Movement created an Anglican self-consciousness
There is much history implicit in that encounter, and by 1890 Coleridge ...
There is much history implicit in that encounter, and by 1890
Coleridge had won.
The Oxford divines took little note of Nonconformity.Their object was to brace and fort