The Taunton Commission, which in 1891 reviewed the whole system of secondary ...
The Taunton Commission, which in 1891 reviewed the whole system of secondary education, found that the girls were even worse off than the boys. In the better classes their education was still a domestic industry staffed in the first place by the mother, who might delegate the routine to a governess, and by visiting masters.
Those families who could afford an annual stay in London added some intensive teaching by specialists in music, drawing, and the languages.
The domestic system involved the employment of untrained gentlewomen as teachers, and the figure of the governess, snubbed, bullied, loving, and usually quite incompetent, is a standby of Victorian pathos. Lady Blessing ton first introduced it into literature, it reached its apotheosis in East Lynn. >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
The silliness and shallowness of the boarding school is an equally constant ...
The silliness and shallowness of the boarding school is an equally constant topic of Victorian satire, but, like the boys' schools, they were of a
For them there was rarely anything better than a superior dame's school ...
For them there was rarely anything better than a superior dame's school in a parlour or a very inferior visiting governess. That the education of girls, as codified
'I want', said Bella Rokesmith to her husband, 'to be something so ...
'I want', said Bella Rokesmith to her husband, 'to be something so much worthier than the doll in the doll's house.' In the profusion of Dick