Out of the Minerva Press came Disraeli, out of the horseplay of ...
Out of the Minerva Press came Disraeli, out of the horseplay of sentimental Cockneys, Dickens.
It is only necessary to set these names down in order to realize what potent agencies of dissolution were working in the early Victorian years. English society was poised on a double paradox which its critics, within and without, called hypocrisy.
Its practical ideals were at odds with its religious professions, and its religious belief was at issue with its intelligence.
We, for example, should probably count an employer who kept children of nine working nine hours
a day in a temperature of
98 degrees as, at least, a very stupid man. ...next: >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
If he went farther and insisted that, when they wished to lift ...
If he went farther and insisted that, when they wished to lift up their hearts in song, it must not be in carnal ditties like 'A
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