There are whimperings, sometimes bellowings, of self-pity, but defiance was no longer ...
There are whimperings, sometimes bellowings, of self-pity, but defiance was no longer the mode.
The greater and better part of English society accepted the social structure and moral objective of the nation, as a community of families, all rising, or to be raised, to a higher respectability. To those postulates their criticism of life was not directed: they were satisfied, not indeed with the world as it was, for they were all, in their way, reformers, but as it would become by the application of those reasoned and tested principles which made up the scheme of progress and salvation.
Poised and convinced, they could indulge, too, in a licence of feeling impossible to a generation bred in doubt, and they could take their ease in an innocent vulgarity which to a later age would have been a hard-worked and calculated Bohemianism.
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Virtual Victorians History Website
The form of preachers was canvassed like the form of public entertainers, ...
The form of preachers was canvassed like the form of public entertainers, and the circulation of some
Victorian sermons is a thing to fill
a modern writer
The body of acknowledged truth, out of which this early Victorian literature ...
The body of acknowledged truth, out of which this early Victorian literature speaks, appears, at first sight, to consist