In its preventive police it ought to be sparing of its efforts, ...
In its preventive police it ought to be sparing of its efforts, and to employ means, rather few, infrequent, and strong, than many, and frequent, and, of course, as they multiply their puny politic race, and dwindle, small and feeble. Statesmen who know themselves will, with the dignity which belongs to wisdom, proceed only in this the superior orb, and first mover of their duty steadily, vigilantly, severely, courageously: whatever remains will, in a manner provide for itself.
But as they descend from the State to a province, from a province to a parish, and from a parish to a private house, they go on accelerated in their fall. They cannot do the lower duty; and, in proportion as they try it, they will certainly fail in the higher.
They ought to know the different department of things; what belongs to laws, and what manners alone can regulate.
To these, great politicians may give a leaning, but they cannot give a law.” A great body of principle, self-interest, and sentiment had to be shifted, before the public mind could pass this point. on >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
Of principle, because State intervention was still commonly pictured as that system ...
Of principle, because State intervention was still commonly pictured as that system of State regulation of industry which Adam Smith had confute
It includes, what is most remarkable of all, that triumph of private ...
It includes, what is most remarkable of all, that triumph of private enterprise-the railways.
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