It was a rhetorical question. But it was answered with a solid ...
It was a rhetorical question. But it was answered with a solid shout of 'Yes'. Without meaning it, the House of Commons had undertaken to regulate the factory system throughout the land, and a few nights later they recalled their decision.
But the tide was running fast and the conversion of Macaulay is symptomatic. As a young man he had dealt his blows impartially between paternal Toryism and deductive Radicalism, between Southey1 Owen, and Jesse Mill.
His economics, like those of most Englishmen, were in descent not from Ricardo, but from Adam Smith and Burke. 'It is one of the finest problems in legislation, and what has often engaged my thoughts whilst I followed that profession, “what the State ought to take upon itself to direct by the public wisdom, and
what it ought to leave, with as
little interference as possible, to individual discretion “. Nothing, certainly, can be laid down on the subject that will not admit of exceptions, many permanent, some occasional.But the clearest queue of distinction which I could draw, while I had any chalk to draw it, was this: that the State ought to confine itself to what regards the State, or the creatures of the State, namely, the exterior establishment of its religion; its magistracy; its revenue; its military force by sea and land; the corporations that owe their existence to its fiat; in a word, to everything that is truly and properly public, to the public peace, to the public safety, to the public order, to the public prosperity. on >>

Virtual Victorians History Website
In its preventive police it ought to be sparing of its efforts, ...
In its preventive police it ought to be sparing of its efforts, and to employ means, rather few, infrequent, and strong, than many, and frequent, and, of course, as they mul
Of principle, because State intervention was still commonly pictured as that system ...
Of principle, because State intervention was still commonly pictured as that system of State regulation of industry which Adam Smith h
It includes, what is most remarkable of all, that triumph of private ...
It includes, what is most remarkable of all, that triumph of private enterprise-the railways.