The year 1840 saw the chimney-sweeping children brought under public protection. The ...
The year 1840 saw the chimney-sweeping children brought under public protection.
The next advance was inspired by the revelations of the Employment of Children Enquiry of 1840 and registered in the Mines Act of 1842. In the following year Peel's Government tried to carry the Act Of 1833 one step farther. They were beaten by a union of manufacturers and dissenters: 'worthy and conscientious men', Brougham wrote, 'who hate the Established Church more than they love education.' In 1844 Graham reintroduced his Bill, omitting the educational clauses which had given so much offence, but reducing the hours of children's labour to six and a half; of men's to twelve.
Lord Ashley stood out for ten: the Government resisted.
Peel pointed out that the Bill dealt only with textile factories and that notoriously the conditions in other workshops were worse. 'Will you legislate for all?' he asked. on >>

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In its preventive police it ought to be sparing of its efforts, ...
In its preventive police it ought to be sparing of its efforts, and to employ means, rather few, infrequent, and strong, than many, and frequent, and, of course, a
Of principle, because State intervention was still commonly pictured as that system ...
Of principle, because State intervention was still commonly pictured as that system of State regulation of industry which Adam Smith had confuted. Of self